Wanaka to arrowtown
Cliché, but who can resist this former fencepost, turned tree? I passed it as I walked out of Wanaka towards Glendhu Bay.
Dodging people who were racing mountain bikes I made it there just before rain arrived. I spent a lovely evening with two crosswords and rain on the roof of my wee cabin.
Next morning I found the start of Motatapu Alpine Track, which follows Fern Burn. There were a couple of interesting gates in deer fencing, and I saw a hind and two youngsters as I traversed the private block.
The track then passes into a gorgey section near Stack Conservation Area.
Eventually I passed Fern Burn Hut, climbed Jack Hall's Saddle (1275m) and made my way to Highland Creek Hut (centre of photo) just as it began raining!
For a blissful couple of hours I had the hut to myself and an old Listener with an untouched cryptic crossword. Then damp hikers straggled in, all NOBO.
Cold and fine by morning as I set out for Roses Hut. There were a couple of grunty climbs before I reached the empty hut. By bedtime there were 10 sleeping indoors and 4 tents outside. Four of them were French guys I know pretty well now, so it was a reunion.
This morning I escaped (the snorers) early to climb Roses Saddle, entering the Arrow catchment.
I could see old tailings as I descended, first signs of the gold rush era.
It took a bit longer to reach the gold mining ghosttown of Macetown, where a bakery and a cottage have been restored.
From here I followed a 4WD track out to Arrowtown, sampling gooseberries,
and using the river whenever I could.
It took 9 hours, so once I found my digs I went in search of fruit and a paper. The best descriptor I can think of for Arrowtown is, sanitised. Pity.