Kourawhero to Puhoi and Auckland

Here's what I learned about Swiss milking goats last night. They don't sleep and they ring their silvery bells all night long. The fresh chèvre was delicious, my bed was divine, but I was on my way before dawn. Such a pretty valley too, looking back at it from Dunn's Ridge.

The district has lots of new houses and it looks like the snail mail man is refusing to keep up. I loved the tiger box, hiding in full sight amongst the herd. 

For once, I voluntarily chose a road route to visit Puhoi Cheese Factory. Then another few kilometres and I was in "town" itself. 

The library and General Store were both useful and beautiful and then it was time to sip cider at Puhoi Pub till my taxi arrived. 

For $32 I was conveyed to Orewa (saving me canoeing the Puhoi River) and I simply walked until I met the first of 3 buses I used to come to NOH's family at Milford. Brilliant transport planning tool online - just enter destination and an itinerary suggests itself. 

All my clothes are on the line, I've driven my first electric car (loved it) and I am sheltered until the rain days pass. 

Was interested to learn that part of Dome Valley is to be logged to make an enormous landfill. Walking a place sure helps with envisioning a plan. 

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