Entertainment system
My mate Marcel I have mentioned already. Reading Temps Perdu will surely gobble up downtime so I have a wee light and spare batteries for when possums wake me and sleep won't return and the ground is what ground is and ruminations undo my equilibrium. Donc, one turns to the writer who spent a lot of time thinking in bed and wrote it into a hypnotic meditation On Life.
I am also taking cards so I can deal bridge hands and win every time. Should actual bridge players hove into view, hiking schmiking.
The notebooks are for journal keeping and writing doggerel. The specs are for reading the fine print on muesli bar labels, or seeing prickles as I probe them with the needle in the repair kit.
Only system left to describe is clothing. Then I will know the base weight for my walk. So ask yourself, what are you willing to carry without counting food and water?