Cook system
These days, cooking on the trail is quaintly retro. The ultra-lite hiking crowd save weight by living on soaked oats and tortilla wraps.
I hate cold oaty goop. I need the nightly ceremony of conjuring a hoosh from a rat(ion) pack. It makes me feel like an adult. Or an Antarctic explorer.
My kit consists of a 20 year old gas burner, the pot that doubles as two pots, my Mercator (engraved with my name to foil knife nabbers), long matches because I never could use a lighter, and a morsel of sponge for cleaning. With one full can of gas, it weighs in at 961g.
Maybe I will change my mind about lugging the kitchen with me but tea breaks with no tea... come to think of it, the reason for devoting about 8% of pack weight to a cook system is COFFEE.